WASLI 2015 Conference

Welcome to WASLI 2015! We are so excited to launch our webpages for the conference. Please take time to explore the site and see what awaits you in Istanbul, Turkey from July 22-25, 2015! WASLI thanks each and every volunteer that has stepped forward and done their part to plan the conference - it will be one NOT to be missed! Thank you to each of you. So, please, consider this your personal invitation to join us for WASLI 2015. We look forward to seeing you … Read More »

2015 Volunteers Sought

The Volunteer sub-committee is seeking applicants to fill various positions during WASLI 2015. We encourage people with diverse language backgrounds to apply and join our team. Volunteers Application Form   … Read More »

WASLI Celebrates Collaborations in Africa

  "The April 12th 2014 , was held in Kinshasa meeting of extreme importance on the role and work of the interpreter in sign language in the DRC. At the end of the meeting, the foundations of a new association of interpreters of sign language in Congo Kinshasa were raised and so the core of the Congolese Federation of Interpreters Congolese Sign Language '' '' FCILS acronym to view the day. Composed of performers from different groups ( Training Centre , Schools, churches and so on. … Read More »

Thank You from Jack

A huge thank you to the 13 people who collectively donated US$745 to the WASLI Sponsorship fund, prompted by my 850km cycle ride from Bangkok to Phuket.  Donors came from Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, UK and US.   Thank you, too, to all those who gave moral support to my ride by their "likes" and "postings" on Facebook.   Looking over those who received sponsorship funding in 2011, it is gratifying to see them taking important roles in the interpreting and deaf … Read More »

Call for Papers 2015

The WASLI 2015 Scientific Committee is seeking submissions for papers for the 2015 WASLI conference. The overall theme of the conference is Human Rights: where do interpreters fit in? We invite papers on a wide variety of topics, in different formats, and presenters from around the world with various backgrounds. The conference encourages the sharing of ideas for collaboration across countries, cultures, and languages from consumers, practitioners, educators, and … Read More »