Country | Names of the Organisation | Acronym | |
Argentina | Asociación Civil Argentina de Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas | AAILS | |
Australia | Australian Sign Language Association | ASLIA | |
Belgium | Beroepsvereniging Vlaamse Gebarentaal Tolken | BVGT | |
Bolivia | Asociación de Interpretes de Lengua de Señas de Bolivia | AILSBOL | |
Brazil | Brazilian Federation Sign Language Interpreters | FEBRAPILS | |
Canada | Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters | CASLI | |
Chile | Red de intérpretes de lengua de señas de Chile | RICH | |
Catalonia | Association of sign language interpreters and guide-interpreters of Catalonia | ACILS | |
Colombia | Federación nacional de traductores, intérpretes y guias intérpretes de lengua de señas colombiana | FENILC | |
Costa Rica | Asociacion Nacional Costarricense de Interpretes, Traductores e Investigadores de Lenguas de Señas | ANCITILES | |
CROATIA | Croatian Association of Sign Language Interpreters for the Deaf | CASLID | |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) | Sign Language Interpreters' Association of Korea | SLIAK | |
Denmark | Foreningen af tegnssprogstolke | FTT | |
Dominican Republic | Asociación Nacional de Intérpretes de la Lengua de Señas de la República Dominicana | ANILESRED | |
Ecuador | Asociación Nacional de Intérpretes y Guías-Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Ecuatoriana | ANILSEC | |
Fiji | Sign Language Interpreter Association | SLIAF | |
Finland | Kieliasiantuntijat - Language Experts | * | |
France | Association Française des Interprètes en Langue des Signes | AFILS | |
Ghana | National Association of Sign Language Interpreters Ghana | NASLIG | |
Guatemala | Asociación de intérpretes y guías intérpretes de lengua de señas de Guatemala | INTERGUA | |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Federation of Sign Language Interpreters | HKFSLI | |
India | Association of Sign Language Interpreters | ASLI | |
Indonesia | Indonesian Association of Sign Language Interpreters | AJBII | |
India | India Sign Language Interpreters Association | ISLIA | |
Italy | Associazione traduttori mediatori interpreti lis | T'aMILIS | |
Japan | Japanese Sign Language Interpreters | JASLI | |
Japan | National Research Association for Sign Language Interpretation | NRASLI | |
Jordan | Arab Organization of Sign Language Interpreters | SELAA | |
Kenya | Kenya Sign Language Interpreters Association | KSLIA | |
Lithuanian | Association of Sign Language Interpreters | LASLI | |
Malaysia | Interpreters and Translators Association for Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Deaf Community | JUPEBIM | |
Malaysia | Malaysian Association of Sign Language Interpreter | MyASLI | |
Malta | Association of Maltese Sign Language Interpreters | AILSM | |
Mongolia | Mongolian Association of Sign Language Interpreters | MASLI | |
Morocco | Association Marocaine des Interprètes de langue des signes | AMILS | |
Nepal | National Association of sign Language Interpreters-Nepal | NASLI-Nepal | |
Netherlands | Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging Tolken Gebarentaal | NBTG | |
New Zealand | Sign Language Interpreters Association of New Zealand | SLIANZ | |
Nigeria | Association of Sign Language Interpreters in Nigeria | ASLIN | |
Panamá | Asociación Nacional de Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas de la República de Panamá | ANPROSIS-REPA | |
Paraguay | Asociación nacional de Intérpretes de lengua de señas, intérpretes sordos y guias intérpretes para sordociegos del Paraguay | ANISLPAR | |
Nigeria | Educational Sign Language Interpreters Association of Nigeria | ESLIAN | |
Peru | Asociación de Intérpretes y Guias Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas del Perú | ASISEP | |
Phillipines | Philippine National Association of Sign Language Interpreters Inc. | PNASLI | |
Pueto Rico | Registro de Intérpretes para Sordos de Puerto Rico, Inc. | RISPRI | |
Republic of Korea (ROK) | Korean Association of Sign Language Interpreters | KASLI | |
Russia | ROO "Association of sign language Interpreters" | ROO | |
Scotland | Scottish Collaborative of Sign Language Interpreters | SCOSLI | |
Slovenia | Association of Slovenian Sign Language Interpreters | - | |
Taiwan | Taiwanese Association of Sign Language Interpreters | TASLI | |
United Kingdom | Association of Sign Language Interpreters | ASLI | |
United States | Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf | RID | |
Uruguay | Asociación de Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Uruguaya | AILSU | |
Venezuela | Asociacion de Interpretes de Lengua de Señas Venezolana y Guias Interpretes | ASOIVE | |
Zambia | Federation of Sign Language Interpreters and Translators of Zambia | FSLITZ |