2015 General Meeting Report

Dear WASLI National Members, Conference Delegates, and Individual Members: We are pleased to offer the WASLI 2015 General Meeting Package in order to help you prepare for the General Meeting on Saturday July 25 at 9 am at Istanbul, Turkey. If you are a National Association you are eligible to vote, if your association is paid member. As in other conference years, you will be allowed to join and pay the membership fee, if you can provide your constitution and/or bylaws for review.  If you … Read More »

Interpreter Guidelines for UN events

  Interpreter Guidelines for UN events "Whenever planning international events, all efforts should be made to communicate with the delegates well in advance in order to arrange the most linguistically appropriate services." Interpreter Guidelines for UN Events   … Read More »

Natural Disasters Document: WFD and WASLI

Communication during Natural Disasters    Document … Read More »

Winter 2015 Newsletter

Message from the President Conference updates. Successes in Viet Nam and lots more. Winter Newsletter http://issuu.com/waslimedia/docs/wasli_newsletter_winter_2015?e=14449462/11602877   … Read More »

Resolution Linguistic Rights of the Deaf Moscow Russian Federation

RESOLUTION of the 2nd International Conference “Linguistic Rights of the Deaf” Moscow, Russian Federation, 20-22 May 2014 This Statement is available in International Sign at https://vimeo.com/119607839 This Statement is available in Russian Sign Language at https://vimeo.com/119615769 Full Text Document … Read More »