WASLI Boletín de noticias de diciembre de 2022WASLI

https://issuu.com/waslimedia/docs/wasli-newsletter-dec-2022-sp Our last Newsletter of the year is here! Enjoy https://youtu.be/T_052IBnJZk Descargar PDF … Read More »

WASLI Newsletter December 2022WASLI

https://issuu.com/waslimedia/docs/wasli-newsletter-dec-2022 Our last Newsletter of the year is here! Enjoy https://youtu.be/T_052IBnJZk Download PDF … Read More »

2021-2022 Annual Report

2021-2022 WASLI Annual Report View online 2021-2022 Annual Report download pdf … Read More »

WASLI Report Refugee Crisis in Europe Interpreting

1st WASLI Report Refugee Crisis in Europe Interpreting https://youtu.be/MHLWQPbGX2A As we know Europe is supporting refugees from Ukraine. Thanks to our European Regional Representative dr. Prof. Christian Rathmann we can share first hand information on the current situation. 1ST WASLI REPORT - REFUGEE CRISIS IN EUROPE INTERPRETING English translation by Ramas McRae and Rebecca Ladd Ukrainian Translation by Igor Chavrot Spanish Translation by Sergio Zurita Russian … Read More »

Newsletter Nov 2021

https://issuu.com/waslimedia/docs/wasli-newsletter-nov-2021 Download November Newsletter 2021 pdf … Read More »