Welcome to the WASLI General Meeting
Dear WASLI Member,
Our WASLI conference is approaching and so is our General Meeting.
As a member you are kindly invited to attend the meeting and get first hand information on what WASLI has done the past four years and what the future plans are.
National member associations can delegate two official representatives.
All other members are welcome to attend the meeting as observers.
All the information about the General Meeting has been compiled in one Meeting Package for your convenience. You can find and download the document here:
WASLI 2019 GM Summary Package
Paquete de materiales para la asamblea.
If you have any questions prior to the General Meeting, do not hesitate to email me: secretary.wasli@gmail.com.
Also, if you cannot attend the General Meeting, do not forget to organise your proxy vote. All is explained in the Meeting Package.
I am looking forward to see you in Paris and jointly celebrate the past and discuss the future of WASLI.
Isabelle Heyerick
WASLI secretary