Conference to Conference

Thank you for considering to support WASLI conference to conference. This will save you a year membership and support our advocacy and collaboration with colleagues world wide.

You are currently a National Association Member and we thank you.  We would like to share with you an opportunity to extend your membership for four years.  It’s our “Conference to Conference” campaign. You pay only for three years and get a fourth year membership gratis.

For example:  If you have paid for 2019.  If you support wasli for 2020- 2021 and 2021-2022 now, you will enjoy 2023 free and we hope to see you at our 2023 Conference. Find your group rate and multiply by 2. If you have yet to pay for membership and would like this discount rate, find your group rate and multiply by 3 for the three years and Conference year free.

Group A fee multiply 2 if paid for 2019 OR multiply by 3 for new members.

Group B fee multiply 2 if paid for 2019 OR multiply by 3 for new members.

Group C fee multiply 2 if paid for 2019 OR multiply by 3 for new members.

Group D fee multiply 2 if paid for 2019 OR multiply by 3 for new members.

Group F fee multiply 2 if paid for 2019 OR multiply by 3 for new members.

WASLI extends this offer and accepts payment from Associations that have paid 2019 from now until Paris.

For specific details and further arrangements please contact WASLI Membership.

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Link to PayPal.   Pay with Credit Card.    Pay your group fee above X 2 = payment for 3 years.  One year free.

Use our email address:


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