Research & References

This page aims to link to research and references related to sign language interpreting.
Encouraging Research
One of the objectives of WASLI is to share information and be a reference on interpreting issues. In order to achieve this objective, WASLI encourages research by providing researchers with the opportunity to collect data through the WASLI membership and networks, e.g., by distributing surveys or requests for participation in research studies.
Before providing this opportunity, however, the WASLI Executive needs to ensure that any research conducted with WASLI endorsement will contribute to the development of theoretical and/or practical insight into the signed languages profession. Furthermore, that this research will be carried out ethically and will not have any detrimental effect on its members.
All researchers must submit an application to the WASLI Research Review Committee for approval.
ASLIA – Australian Sign Language Interpreter Association ASLIA National has compiled various reference lists on specialist areas, a generic interpreting recommended reference list, as well as a research catalogue of all research and publications from Australia.
To request these documents go to (Thanks to ASLIA)
Sign Language Dictionaries
Interpreting Resources
- National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers:
- Training resource for interpreters working with asylum seekers and refugees: AUT Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures