Code of Ethics


One important aspect of any profession is to agree how members of that profession should conduct themselves in the course of their work and what values are important and should underpin the way they work.

Sign Language interpreters are professionals who provide an important service for Deaf and hearing people.

Associations of sign language interpreters have developed their own Code of Ethics, or Ethical Code or Code of Professional Conduct, which embodies those values and sets out how interpreters are expected to behave.

This page provides a range of Codes of Ethics (or links) of different national associations as well as links to relevant references.

WASLI would like to thank those national associations and related organisations that have given permission for links to be made to their websites.

Codes of Ethics

APITC – The Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia
APITC – Código deontológico y de buenas prácticas de APTIC
ASLIA – The Australian Sign Language Interpreter Association
AVLIC – Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada
IASLI – Irish Association of Sign Language Interpreters
KSLIA – Kenyan Sign Language Interpreters Association
RID – Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (USA)
PAIDE - Philippine Association Of Interpreters For Deaf Empowerment
SVT - Suomen Viittomakielen Tulkit ry – The Finnish Sign Language Interpreter Association

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