Setting up a National Association

Most countries in the world today do not have a National Association of sign language interpreters. Following the very successful first WASLI conference in South Africa in 2005, many countries are now discussing the idea of establishing a national association in their own country.
This page suggests a way establishing a national association.
- Individuals (this means interpreters and any person who supports and is committed to seeing a national association being established) to meet
- Individuals to agree the reasons why an Association should be established.
- The reason why individuals which to establish an Association becomes the Aims and Objectives.
- The individuals discuss and decide how they should best structure the Association in terms of how decisions are made and who is responsible for what?
- 3 and 4 form the basis of the Governing document/Constitution/as appropriate for people. The Governing Document therefore encompasses the desires of those who wish to be part of it.
- Consideration needs to given to the organisation structure of the Association and to the people who will be elected to take responsibility for the work that needs to be done.
- The people who are to head the Association should prepare a plan of how the Association will work to achieve its aims and objectives (including what help and support it will need)
- Check that the plan addresses important area of (1) a Code of Ethics (2) Training (3) Standards (4) Professional Development.
- Checks need to be made that the process of establishing an association complies with any legal requirements of your country
- See advice and guidance from other organisations and individuals who have expertise and who support your aims and objectives and also from your WASLI Regional Representative
WASLI believes that it is important that individuals work together with their National Association of the Deaf
- English | Guidance for setting up a National Association Estab a NASL
- Spanish: Establish National Association
- Arabic: Establish National Association