WASLI 2007 | Spain

Video produced by Nicole Cartagna, Interpretopia, New York City, USA

Diversity and community in the worldwide sign language interpreting profession

Welcome to the web page for the WASLI 2007 Conference, which took place in the beautiful town of Segovia, north west of Madrid in Spain.   This page is dedicated to the many people who in some way made this event a wonderful success.

Click below to read the daily Conference Newsletter “Scenes from Segovia“

Click here to download the WASLI Activities Report 2005-2007.

The Messages of Greetings sent by colleagues that were not able to attend.

The WASLI 2007 General Membership took place on 13 July 2007 and here you will find the minutes of the meeting.

The Countries Report – gives reports on the interpreting situation in the countries represented at the conference.

A number of delegates were sponsored to attend, some of them through the WASLI 2007 Sponsorship Programme and others via other arrangements.

During the conference the WASLI President, Liz Scott Gibson and WFD Representative Joe Murray took part in a ceremony that would result in the formal signing of the WASLI/WFD Joint Agreement by the WASLI President and WFD President Markku Jokinnen at the WFD General Assembly.

Hosting an international Conference cannot take place without the hard work and commitment of time and energy of many people.   This page provides the acknowledgements and is dedicated to all those who in some way helped to make the conference such a memorial experience.


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